Your hard work has paid off and you're finally ready to go hunting, but now you need to decide what's on the menu - doves, rabbits, or pheasants? We are here to offer tips for hunting.

You choose to hunt a species that's well-represented in your region, providing a more forgiving and enjoyable experience as you test your skills in the field.

Get in touch with your state's fish and wildlife agency to gather intel on small game populations in your area, and ask about any public lands or wildlife management areas that have been specifically designed to support the species you're after.

Tips for Hunting Rabbits&Squirrels

For many hunters, especially those just starting out, squirrels and rabbits are often the ideal choice due to their abundance, accessibility, and relatively easy hunting requirements.

With both squirrels and rabbits, you'll find them in abundance in hunting areas, and their hunting seasons often run for several months, giving you plenty of time to plan and execute a successful hunt.

Moreover, hunting rabbits is a time-honored tradition with a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw upon, making it easier to learn and master the skills required, as there are countless resources and experts to guide you along the way.

Learning Their Behaviors&Biology

Due to the presence of predators such as coyotes, owls, and snakes, rabbits have developed a survival strategy of nesting in dense, impenetrable thickets and briar patches, which provides them with a safe haven but also makes them more difficult to find.

For a successful rabbit hunt, consider teaming up with a trusty beagle by your side. Their keen sense of smell and energetic tracking abilities make them an invaluable asset in locating rabbits. Alternatively, gather a group of friends or family members to join forces and organize a drive hunt, increasing your chances of a successful harvest.

Squirrels are commonly found in mixed forests with a variety of nut-producing trees, including oak, beech, and hickory. Their diet consists mainly of mast crops, but they also enjoy snacking on fungi, berries, and seeds. As they tend to leave their nests at daybreak or shortly after to forage for food, early morning is a prime time to catch a glimpse of these bushy-tailed critters.

Consider hunting early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

Find Suitable Hunt Land

With your quarry's habitat in mind, it's time to start scouting for the perfect hunting location and plan a pre-season trip to get a closer look at the land, identify potential hunting areas, and make any necessary adjustments to your hunting strategy.

Keep an eye out for what hunters refer to as "signs"—clues that animals have recently been active in the area.

To identify areas where squirrels are likely to be found, look for signs of their presence, such as tree cavities, leafy nests, and other indicators of their activity. As long as the area has hardwood trees, it's likely to be a good spot for squirrel hunting.

If you're looking to hunt rabbits, consider targeting areas near farmland, where they tend to thrive in open grassy areas surrounded by woods and briar patches. However, don't forget to obtain the landowner's permission before hunting on private property, as rabbits can be a nuisance to farmers due to their appetite for herbaceous plants.

Hunting Strategy

There are 4 ways of hunting skills: still-hunting, spot-and-stalk, ambushing and walk-up hunting

At daybreak, squirrel hunters should arrive at their chosen spot and settle in quietly before the squirrels emerge to feed. Once you're still and listening, you'll often hear them scurrying through the trees or the soft patter of nut shells hitting the ground as they feed. The best opportunity comes with still shots, especially if you're using a .22 rifle, known for its accuracy with small game. However, if you miss, don't give up. Stay patient and keep working your way closer—you might just get within shooting range before the squirrel even realizes you're there.

The ideal hunting conditions for rabbits appear to be on days with temperatures ranging from 45-55 degrees, accompanied by clear skies and sunshine. Cloudy days, on the other hand, tend to find rabbits more sedentary and hidden. To effectively hunt rabbits, employ an active approach by slowly walking through their territory, utilizing a partner or dog to flush them out of their hiding spots.

How to Cook

Squirrel and rabbit meat are not only delicious, but they're also incredibly versatile. With the right recipes, you can transform these small game meats into mouth-watering dishes that will impress even the most discerning palates.

With persistence, new hunters will eventually enjoy successful hunts and bring home wild game. Be prepared by having a plan for cleaning and cooking the meat, along with the necessary tools and ingredients ready in advance. Take the time to study the proper techniques for skinning and butchering the specific game you're targeting. There are countless expert tutorials available on YouTube that can guide you step-by-step through these processes.

Steady Advancement

Once you've honed your skills with small game, you'll be ready to take on larger challenges like hunting turkey or deer. Who knows? Before long, you might even find yourself managing your own hunting land.